Victoria International School, Al Taawun St - Sharjah - United Arab Emirates, School, state Ras Al Khaimah

Victoria International School


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+971 6 577 1999
Al Taawun St - Sharjah - United Arab Emirates


30 most recent searches

Comments 32

  • A
    ali adnan
    This school is the most unprofessional school, I went to this school and left immediately after the year was over. In contrast, the teachers are extremely rude, theyll literally make fun of you if your struggling. Not to mention that the teachers will INSULT you in front of the whole class. When you need help - they would go like: "you need to know this, go figure it out by yourself". Like seriously! Is that something a teacher should do? They make you stand outside the class for not reaching you standards, they put you under so much pressure - and most of the time they just give you simple worksheets to work on the whole time! Whilst the students do that, they are doing there unnecessary personal things on the computer! The fee is high for no reason whatsoever. They dont even care about the students on how they are and what they need to do to improve. All they want is MONEY. Once I didnt do good in one of my essays, and then the teacher literally crushed the paper and threw at me!!!!! She started giggling when my eyes were scattered with tears!! My mom had to come, and had to let them know on how horrendous this stupid school is. This school deserves a 0 rating out of 5. My cousin just completed 5th grade in this terrible school, and the school is full of bullies - she really hated it as much as the parents did. Never enter this school at all. I go to the Sheffield private school and its way better
  • T
    Tara Malik
    This School is the BEST school I have ever been to! It has great activities and great teachers, I have learned a lot and everyone is so kind and friendly! :D !
  • A
    Ahmad Adel
    Good after school sports facilities
  • O
    Obaid Khan
    This school is amazing been here for 10 years
  • A
    aisha alam
    The best school ..The best teachers . Love the way they teach . My kids are so happy here .My daughter who was average student in Australia became one of the outstanding it all the hard work and great efforts by teachers..
  • Z
    zumar group
    very nice school but very expensive for middle class
  • R
    Rex yazan
    Best school I ever went to!!!
  • A
    Akbar Khan Qureshi
    Great Facilities and teachers. However tuition fee is high being in Sharjah.
  • A
    Alya AlOwais
    im a student at this school and BELIVE me without this school I wouldnt have been here typing this review !
  • K
    kill zone gaming
    Amazin school
  • H
    Huda Arslan
    It is an amazing school. .. professional stuff and excellent atmosphere for kids ...
  • J
    Joudy Tamer
    Its amazing it as soon many things such as: swimming, gymnastics, balay. Its ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ love it
  • M
    Mohammed Badran
    Commercial school.every year increasing the fees and nobody can stop them,i dont know why?
  • G
    Greg Glasson
    I am a teacher and this school is very nice because it is amazing. I love VISS because there is a lot of fun learning happening. They have PE, it is a good opportunity to meet people from all around the world, you can learn lots of different things. Today you get to be a student, tomorrow you get to be a leader. The students are very friendly.
  • S
    Soha Radwan
    A terrible experience. I tried many time to contact the school to have some information. They do not attend to calls, and never reply calls back. I finally decided to give up and seek a more professional school for my kids.
  • H
    heba Hassan abdul hamid
    I love that
  • D
    Dr. Mojahid Saeed Osman
    why Google doesnt have the option for 0 Stars. Worst school ever..week curriculum
  • F
    Fu HJ
    Both my boys love to go to this school. It is a very pleasant place to learn.
  • Y
    yazan Saudi
    It is a very good school with very good teacher teaching the right things that the kids need to do.
  • A
    Ahmad Zahidah
    It is such a pleasant place for the kids. They love to go to school
  • S
    Salehريفdyfrcfr Aljasmi
    The school is getting commercialized. Used to be good
  • B
    Basel Kelzia
    Good school, overpriced
  • O
    Omar ATv
    Its the best school in sharjah.
  • N
    Nabil Nabil
    I study on this school NABIL G-3D
  • A
    Assam Altaf
  • A
    Abdullah Alissa
    I love this school
  • A
    Best school
  • H
    Houssam El Ali
    Excellent school
  • S
    Saif Alshaibani
    School will almost open
  • D
    Diana B. Khamidova Om Abdulrahman
  • S
    Sara3935 Mohamed Ali
    القسم الابتدائي من المدرسة في غاية السو ..ّ وأنا لدي تجربه مريرة مع تصرفات المدرسات مع ابني ووجدت معظم الأهالي يعانون من فظاظة وسو معاملة المدرسات للأطفال الصغار لذلك أرجوكم اسالو أولادكم وراقبوا معاملة المدرسات مع أولادكم ...والمقرر الاسترالي ضعيف جدا جدا جدا مقارنة بالامريكي والبريطانية كونوا حزرين ارجوكم..صراحة لايستاهلون حتى النجمة الواحدة
  • M
    Moza Al Suwaidi
    Viss very nice and amazing place to learn... تعتبر فيكتوريا من أرقى المدارس في إمارة الشارقه وتستخدم أسلوب تعليمي راقي وتقني...الطاقم التعليمي عندهم من أفضل المعلمين والغالبيه العظمى من الجنسيه الأستراليه..

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