VOX Cinemas, Marina Mall - Breakwater Rd - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates, Movie Theater, state Ras Al Khaimah

VOX Cinemas

Movie Theater

Filled out 155%


+971 600 599905
Marina Mall - Breakwater Rd - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates


30 most recent searches

Comments 23

  • M
    Last night watched wonder women 3D without any 3D effects. The screen was very small and the sound was really pathetic. It felt like watching a movie on plasma TV. Overall experience was quite disappointing. Time for some serious upgrade. NOVO 3D and sound is much better. My advice please dont waste your money. Most of the people left their popcorn behind untouched, it seems food is also not good
  • A
    Ash Crestfelt
    Vox Cinemas in Marina Mall are nice and cozy. They generally are well-kept and can be quite quiet on weekdays. It makes for a comfortable viewing experience when its not busy on weekends.
  • M
    Mr Emarati
    Overall is too bad
  • H
    Huda J
    Great cinema, movie volume was too high though
  • Y
    Yasseen Mohamed
    Ticket seller didnt let us pick our seats and threatened to not let us in. Returned again two months later and had the worst experience and waste of time ever, they wouldnt sell us tickets claiming we werent old enough to go into the movie because we didnt have our IDs. Absolutely absurd since we look old enough and what kind of 15 year old carries around ID. Anyways we book tickets online, and we tell the woman we are buying our popcorn from and she says its fine. I give the guy my phone to scan the ticket, he starts accusing us of not being old enough, I tell him I am, he says show me ID. I dont know what it takes to get it through there brains that its not normal for 15 year olds to carry their IDs around. The guy tells me theres a law that requires everyone to carry around their ID which completely insane and illogical. The guy gives me a number to get a refund, guess what? It doesnt work. My mother talks to them on the phone and they say start whining about how they cant let us in. In the end the give us a refund, after wasting 30 minutes of our life, wouldnt have bought popcorn if I knew I wasnt going into the movie. We later return to use the toilets and we see a woman faint, instead of bringing someone to tend to here, they bring a janitor. They kept bringing in more security guards who were just standing around her doing nothing, it was in the entrance of the toilet so there wasnt much space so Im pretty sure that wasnt helping. They told us we couldnt watch and attempted to hide the woman by putting a movie poster in front of her, unbelievable.
  • A
    ali soliman
    By far the worst cinema i have ever entered. Standard chairs are too short. AC was switched off. Sound is extremely high. To sum it up other cinemas are much better even at standard class.
  • A
    Ahmed abdel basset
    Always love vox cinema best cinema in uae
  • M
    Malcolm F
    Vox rewards need to be collected online. they dong work hen you book tickets online
  • S
    Sev Dustbunny
    Gold is good but not as good as the platinum suits or novo 7 star. Though it could do with a few more electronic ticket machines for picking up tickets. There are only 2 machines and gets very queued up at busy times.
  • M
    Mohammed Farah
    Very good theater, i just wish they pick up calls.
  • I
    Islam Kamel
    Very unclean. seats are without numbers and no one to point you at your seat, you end up taking someones else seat and arguments happen during the movie!
  • S
    Saleh Al Mheiri
    The lights keep switching on during the movie!!
  • S
    Sylvia Martínez
    Worst staff ever!
  • H
    Hilal Almehairi
    Best venoms
  • W
    Wigberto Santiago
    Cant beat Gold and Rhodes for comfy movie watching
  • M
    Mohamed bashar Hendawi
  • R
    Rabeel Ch
    My All time favorite place to watch movies
  • A
    Ahmed Sheha
    Great cinema
  • M
    Mags The Man
    Not sarcasm
  • M
    Muhammad Siddique
    So so
  • F
    Fayiz Ali
    فوكس سينما من احدث السينمات الموجوده في مدينه ابوظبي متوفره في المارينا مول وهناك ايضا القاعه الذهبيه ذات مقاعد الدرجه الاولى وخدمه خاصه متميزه وابقاعات ذات صوت موسيقى عصريه ونقاء صوره لامثيل له في دول المنطقه ولا الدول العربيه مناسب للاطفال وكبار السن والعائلات وقضاء نهار اجازه ولاننسى ان نقول عرض سينمائي للافلام العالميه اول ماتطرح في الاسواق العالميه طبيعي من بينها العاصمة ابوظبي وفي هذا المكان بالتحديد
  • A
    Abdullah Fawaz
    سنما حلوه ومريحه
  • ?
    جوري ام احمد

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