Ailuromania Cat Cafe, Jumeirah Beach Road,Umm Suqeim 3 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates, Cafe, state Ras Al Khaimah

Ailuromania Cat Cafe


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+971 4 321 6661
Jumeirah Beach Road,Umm Suqeim 3 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates


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Comments 58

  • S
    Sowmya Rajan
    If you love cats , this is a best place to chill with your feline friends if you dont own a pet in Dubai. But for food and coffee .Its a no no place :) Atleast to me I dont prefer to have a cappucino with this furry hair flying all around and also the cats might tip off your cups any time. So I just dont eat or drink but I enjoy my time there paying entrance fees and spend my time happily cuddling my furry friends.
  • J
    Jana malaysheh
    I went there with my family decided it was a good idea, however it was the worst experience I couldnt even pet a cat because they tried to bite me every time. Also there is hair everywhere it not so hard as to pick up the hair that falls on the floor.
  • A
    Abid Suleman Ahmed
    Read the bad reviews but still decided to give it a try. Was skeptic about it but the place was actually good. The staff was taking care by asking the kids not to run although it seems there would have been a shortage of staff if there were more customers, I visited at an early time just when the cafe opened. One or two cats seemed a little down, the staff said they had undergone medical treatment. Anyway giving this place a good review as the experience was much better than the reviews had me believed. Oh and bring some strings or pointers to have fun
  • G
    gadoo Al Sharif
    It closed six months ago and I paid more than 100 AED for the taxi!!!
  • A
    ahmad mohd
    I bet all of those bad reviews come from 1 person because everything there was great and me and my children had fun there
  • F
    fan 151fan
    Not nice its a very very bad place and and it smells very bad even the service is very bad dont visit this place at all.
  • M
    Mohammed Alkaabi
    The idea is really nice. Doc or on place is Wow . but drinks is less than good
  • A
    ali yehya
    Rules of the cafe are not implemented. Children running and screaming, clearly making the cats nervous. The staff do nothing about it. Such a shame, was looking forward to visiting but its so awful i wont return. Orders take ages to be served Poor service Tables are not clean No proper ventilation Small place I feel sorry for the cats, i will make a complaint to the owner
  • A
    Abdulaziz Al-Busairi
    Good idea but lack the execution, the decor are ok the place is smell they dont have good ventilation, the coffee are sub bar, not worth 30 derhem, and the cats are not healthy looking, dont wast your time.
  • M
    Mohammed Natheer
    Very disappointed, it used to be much better. The only good thing in it are the cats.
  • A
    Akram Darwish
    Please note that this cafe was closed five months ago
  • N
    Noora Als
    If youre a true cat lover, DO NOT GO. All the cats were either distressed or hiding away. The place is terribly maintained: no proper ventilation and way too many cats in such a small area + the litter boxes couldve been placed better (not near where people dine). The cats shy away from human touch and avoid anyone that comes near them (a sign that theyre not comfortable around people). There are "rules" that are not enforced at all. Both times I went there; there were children stressing the cats out and chasing them. Definitely not coming back... dont want to support a business where the animals are clearly miserable.
  • L
    Lera Lera
    I was in this caffe Pls do smt with cats Few of them cant breathe normal And almost all cats had ears infection by mite Cats Need be shave because some of them have mat of hair Disappoint
  • D
    Davai Potekilke
    Great idea, but very poor performance.... Cats are fun though. Come with laser pointer )))
  • A
    Ameer Magdy
    The best thing about the place are the cats, food was ok, But design is poor.
  • A
    Ateeque Pathan
    Its permanantly Closed....
  • T
    Thorsten Berg
    The place is based on a great idea, but nobody follows the rules implied and the employees dont challenge you if you do something wrong. The cat area smells terrible after cat urine, kids under 12 years are allowed inside, they run, scream and carry the cats, using the place as it is a playground. Employees dont what the place and so the cats are extremely stressed. As a cat lover Ill never come back. The food is ok, billing twice is unnecessary, but the price is fair.
  • S
    Sanja Aleksic
    Disappointing ambiance in my opinion as it is definitely not a glitzy-dubai-style caffe... Most of the cats were asleep on a very busy Friday so that is definitely not a good time to visit and get a good service.
  • Y
    Yousef Mohammad
    See the place is different than the other coffee shops but its something new. I dont like cats but my wife does ... the idea is nice to come and visit. Its not wow but its something new ....
  • C
    Chris van Eijk
    Some lazy street cats in a room where you can have a drink. Nothing really special if you ask me. The he kids loved it though...
  • X
    Xeee eee
    22 cats in one place and no proper ventilation system. Pretty bad condition and cat hair everywhere. They should really maintain the place better - coming from a cat person
  • N
    Norah Saud
    Its one of those places you might go once and never again. Food and drinks are terrible. Theyve started charging an entrance fee at the door. So you cant just get one bill at the end which is stupid. Also most of the cats just stay in their area and never come out
  • S
    Sultan Ashawi
    Good and fun place for cat lovers
  • A
    Alireza Tabatabaei
    this place no longer exist
  • A
    A. bamhisoon
    Drink caoffee with the cats
  • S
    Saleh Hashim
    Lovely ambience. You can sit by the cat area. If youre not a fan of cats, they have a comfortable seating area where you can enjoy youre coffee. Definitely coming back here again!!!
  • ?
    哎呀呀 猫咪 love it , i specially love the cat named Leo,he is sososooooo cute!
  • X
    Staff and owner are very rude. Cheap decorations, cups, table, chairs.
  • B
    by. alm
    Catlovers will love.
  • W
    Wael TOUJANI
    Turkish cuisine mostly. Worth a try
  • B
    badr suliman
    Awful Place. Please Do Not GO!!!
  • S
    Shamousa Sunny
    So many beautiful cats
  • T
    Talal Al Shami
    Nice experience for kids... menu quality is basic..
  • N
    Nathalie Higueret
    Great place for cat lovers ;)
  • C
    Christina Gonzales
    This is not the real address the real address is in 846 jumeira road near burj al Arab hotel...
  • D
    Digital iconic
    Ideal & Lovely
  • R
    Rabi Al Natsheh
    Bad cafe... Bad food.. Cheap quality.
  • A
    Assam Altaf
  • ?
    روان الحربي
    (Translated by Google) It was a pleasant visit ✏️ but we want to develop and update them from all sides
  • S
    الفكرة رائعة ولكن المشكلة في القائمين عليها، اختيار الموقع جيد ولكن مساحة المطعم صغيرة فعلا، نصف الطلبات وصلت غلط وطلبنا تصحيحها وجت غلط كمان مرة! والحمامات غير نظيفة وتحتاج صيانة (مكسرة) إذا استمر وضع الإدارة السيء بهذه الطريقة فسوف لن يستمرون.
  • ?
    يدغدغ الحواس
    المكان مغلق
  • A
    ayesha alqandi
    قطط في كل مكان روعه .. للاطفال
  • A
    ahmed alhafeed
    مقهى فكرته مبتكرة بوجود القطط لكنه ضعيف من ناحية قائمة الطعام والمشروبات يعني زيارة واحدة تكفي
  • ?
    علي اليماحي
    المكان مغلق
  • W
    Wafaa Alshahrani
    يحتاج توسعه والرائحه كريهه بسبب ضيق المساحه مشروباتهم سيئه ولكن فكره القطط جميله الزياره للقطط ولاتستحق اكثر من ربع ساعه للجلوس
  • A
    Abdullah Alhosani
    الرائحه سيئه و الجو العام كئيب لا انصح به و الديكور سيئ جدا ا يستحق نجمه واحده .
  • B
    Bhd Xhhx
    مقهئ جميل وممتع وفكره جميل وكانت الزياره احلئ واحلئ مع عزوز
  • M
    mmk albraik
    استمتعت بزيارة هذا المقهى و بمضيفيه الرائعين اتطلع لزيارته ثانيتا
  • I
    Ibrahim Ali
    فكرته حلوة لكن تصميم المكان صغير وغير جيدوالرائحة غير جيدة ولا عنده خيارات كثيرة
  • I
    inas qasim
    القطط مقرفه مع الاكل
  • A
    Artioli McYourie
    كيف هذا المحل مفتوح و شغال؟ ريحة و قرف و مكان ضيق و خنقة.
  • M
    Meshal Alosaimi
    تجربه غريبه وممتعه لمحبي الحيوانات
  • ?
    فيصل وصلاوي
    من شكله حلو شكلي بسير بجرب
  • S
    Super Real
    مكان جميل لمن يحب القطط
  • F
    fahad Abualkhier
    مكان جميل لمن يعشق القطط نظيف سعره معقول
  • H
    Harry Jassi
    Gutes Cafe
  • ?
    محمد المرزوقي
  • #
    As maravilhas do mundo

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